7 Crucial Ways for a Montessori Teacher to Respect Children
7 Crucial Ways for a Montessori Teacher to Respect Children. A child-centered educational strategy, Montessori teaching was created by Italian physician Maria Montessori. The physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growth of children is a goal of Montessori education, which is based on scientific observations of children.
But that is not all. As a 7 Crucial Ways of Montessori educator, you must also develop respect for your pupils. You may open up a world of opportunities for them by treating them with respect and demonstrating to them your belief in their independence.
Here are a few that you must look at:
1. Give the kid the freedom to choose how their physique will look.
We shouldn’t invade a child’s personal space in the same way that we wouldn’t do so with an adult. Give your pupils the option to select whether or not to give a hug. Never make your child feel terrible if they decide against giving someone a bear hug. When you give your children the freedom to make decisions about their bodies, you are sending them a powerful message that will affect how they will feel about their future ability to say no.
2. When interacting with them, be polite.
It makes sense even though it seems absurd. As a Montessori educator, you may teach your students how to treat others properly while simultaneously developing in them a feeling of self-respect by modeling grace and kindness.
3. Do not compel them to divulge anything.
You instruct your kids in the classroom that sharing is caring. However, you shouldn’t compel your children to share with others. Instead, make an effort to promote a giving mindset. Give your child the freedom to share and not share their personal items at different times.
4. Be gracious when you make a mistake.
It entails holding back your laughter when your youngster blunders, trips, or forgets the answer in the middle of giving it. As a teacher, you shouldn’t make fun of their errors. It’s because being laughed at when one makes a mistake can be humiliating.
5. Pay close attention.
Even though it seems to be taking a while to get everything out, let your kids spend money on themselves. Maintain eye contact, be patient, and avoid interrupting or finishing his or her phrases. Your children will learn to speak up in any situation if you demonstrate that what they have to say matters.
6. Manifest your faith in them.
Allow your kids to do tasks on their own rather than providing assistance. Don’t assist them right away if they forget to write something down or can’t figure out how to draw a fish or a flower. Allow them to try as many times as they like, and then assist them if necessary. It will strengthen their confidence and their capacity to do a task on their own without assistance.
7. Be mindful of their privacy.
Recognizing that some things may embarrass your child is a necessary component of respecting them. Additionally, they may rely on you to respect their privacy. Being their instructor, you may know a lot about them, but you shouldn’t share this information with others. Respect requires understanding how your children truly feel. And doing so will reinforce the rapport of trust you have established with your students. Any relationship between individuals of all ages must be built on trust, which will only increase with time as they come to believe that you are reliable and honest.
These are some wonderful examples of how a Montessori teacher can appreciate children. Interested in learning more about Montessori education? Do you desire a career as a Montessori educator? Then sign up for a Montessori teaching course right away if this is the case. 7 Crucial Ways.